The Historical Botanical Garden
Kebun raya Bogor atau disebut juga Bogor Botanical Garden, salah satu tempat yang sering aku kunjungi sejak kecil. National Garden yang sudah dibuka sejak 1817 ini memang tidak pernah membuat bosan untuk dikunjungi. Taman seluas 80 hektar ini begitu hijau, sejuk, dan selalu jadi tempat teduh yang menyenangkan untuk piknik (that’s why I love so much to have a picnic in there). Dahulu taman ini sengaja dibuat oleh Prabu Siliwangi pada 1417 dengan maksud agar bibit tanaman langka bisa dilindungi di tempat ini. Pada masa Belanda masuk ke Indonesia di jaman penjajahan, para peneliti biologi Jerman sudah banyak mengembangkan tanaman dan berbagai bibit tanaman untuk perkembangbiakan tanaman yang dilindungi atau akan langka di dunia. Pantas aja yah banyak bangeeeett tanaman dan pohon dari berbagai spesies didunia. Disini jadi tempat penelitian berbagai macam tumbuhan. Hal yang aku ketahui tentang botanical garden sejak pertama kali ke tempat ini adalah betapa besar dan banyak pohon-pohon disana dengan berbagai macam bunga, begitu sejuk, begitu hijau dan asri banget. Jaman kecil dulu (I was in elementary school back then :D), kebun raya bogor itu hadiah buat aku yang lagi pengen jalan-jalan tapi ga jauh dari rumah. Perjalanan dengan angkot begitu menyenangkan. You can see the big trees, along the road (which is Ahmad Yani street). Makes you feel that you are in the middle of film shooting (red petualangan Sherina) hahahaha… but seriously, I was so calm and sit down quietly to see it. When I was a little girl, it was so amazing to see the huge tress in there, a wide and huge garden, it was like earth was sooooo huge… you can touch the cloud with your little fingers, see how blue is the sky of Bogor, sky of Indonesia.. I feel so bless to be born in here.
welcome to Botanical garden
See how green the trees
Another spot to take a picture :D
never bored to go here with friends
my outfit : blouse by @sezhiasissy brooch by @pisc_dee sandals st yves
Well, seiring dengan jaman yang terus berubah. Perjalanan ke kebun raya bogor ga seindah dahulu saat aku kecil. People cut the trees, built a mall, built a traditional market, built houses along the main street. Fuuhh… I feel disappointed, I can’t feel the awesome of trip to there. However, I keep going there occasionally in a year. Sometimes with my family, sometimes with my friends, it was makes me feel free, feel so bless that I live in this city, feel comfort to a long walk with others.
You should go there once in a lifetime. It must a see garden in Indonesia. For me, botanical garden not just a common garden, it represent my life. Since I was five years old, I gone to orchid garden with my mom, I was have a party of graduate from my high school, reunion with my friends from university, walking in the afternoon with my family, well, there so many memories in there. I hope can see you all in Botanical Garden soon… :D
welcome to Botanical garden
See how green the trees
Another spot to take a picture :D
never bored to go here with friends
my outfit : blouse by @sezhiasissy brooch by @pisc_dee sandals st yves
Well, seiring dengan jaman yang terus berubah. Perjalanan ke kebun raya bogor ga seindah dahulu saat aku kecil. People cut the trees, built a mall, built a traditional market, built houses along the main street. Fuuhh… I feel disappointed, I can’t feel the awesome of trip to there. However, I keep going there occasionally in a year. Sometimes with my family, sometimes with my friends, it was makes me feel free, feel so bless that I live in this city, feel comfort to a long walk with others.
You should go there once in a lifetime. It must a see garden in Indonesia. For me, botanical garden not just a common garden, it represent my life. Since I was five years old, I gone to orchid garden with my mom, I was have a party of graduate from my high school, reunion with my friends from university, walking in the afternoon with my family, well, there so many memories in there. I hope can see you all in Botanical Garden soon… :D
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